Football Home Game
Sat, August 30, 2025
Basketball Away Game   (CBSSN)
Wed, January 15, 2025 @ 9:00 pm

About is a Utah State University Athletics fan site. It is in no way associated with Utah State University or any of the news sites from which it pulls content. All news feeds that this site utilizes are public RSS feeds that are available free of charge. All school or team trademarks, logos, icons, or images are the property of the owners and/or the respective institutions.

This site is the culmination of the efforts of several fans that have contributed their time, talents, ideas, and enthusiasm for all things Aggie. A few Aggie fans have directly contributed portions of their websites while several others continue to maintain linked content that also services our fan base. Together, we are dedicated to providing a central fan community that Aggie Nation can be proud of.

I would personally like to thank the following individuals for their hard work, leadership, and inspiration: Jason, Mateo, Mark, Nick, Ryan, Tyler (all of them), John, Matt, Kraig, Bill, "Pete", Jeff, Brent, Vic, and Jeremy.

- Joe (Aglicious)


The Fine Print

  1. This web site is designed for the information, promotion of, and support of Utah State University athletics. This site is not the property of Utah State University nor its Department of Athletics.
  2. is a service provided by and for Utah State University students, alumni, and fans and does not presume to speak for the University in any official capacity.
  3. Contents on this page and those pages within its subdirectories are under the editorial supervision of the site administrator; however, no ex parte responsibility for content from this page is intended or presupposed. We are not responsible for material linked to or from the site itself.
  4. Event schedules posted on these pages are subject to change at any time.
  5. The site is under no obligation to print or respond to responses e-mailed in and reserves the right to edit, truncate, append, or otherwise delete any messages posted to its message boards.
  6. Photos, trademarks, images, icons, or logos of any kind found on these pages are the property of the owners of same and are used within a "fair use" provision of applicable copyright law. All rights reserved.
  7. Links to other pages are provided solely as a convenience and are not endorsed by this site. This site is not responsible for their content. If you find a site we have linked that is objectionable in some way, let us know.
  8. Opinions expressed on these pages are those of the individual(s) so named and/or posted. They do not reflect the opinion of, the MWC Conference, the President and/or Directors of Utah State University or its Alumni Association.

Logo History

This area will show a history of logos used on the site over time. Some were created and never used. Some were used for long periods while others were only featured for a day or 2.

Logo History (Special Events)

Background History (Special Events)

Logo History (Never Used)